
Showing posts from July, 2020

Update July 31, 2020

Today we have received notification of one new confirmed positive employee case following this week's testing.  Resident tests from last week were all negative.  Residents are being tested again today.  We will continue weekly testing of all previously  negative residents and staff until we achieve 14 days with no new confirmed positives.  Residents who have potentially been exposed by the positive staff member are under full transmission based precautions in accordance with CDC and DOH guidelines.   Social Service is in the process of notifying all families of residents who have had potential exposure.   The message line will be updated today. Residents are being notified of the confirmed positive case by Social Service . We will continue to monitor residents for signs or symptoms daily and obtain tests for anyone who presents with symptoms.  Staff screening continues to be completed each shift. As a result of the new positive case this...

Lancashire Hall Re-opening Implementation Plan and Daily Update for July 23, 2020

Lancashire Hall Re-opening Implementation Plan I have posted Lancashire Hall's Re-opening Implementation Plan here for your review.  We had been on target to resume outside visits according to our plan on Monday, July 27, 2020.  However, we were just notified that after going almost two months with no new positive cases, we have one confirmed positive employee COVID-19 result from the tests that were conducted this week. According to DOH guidance, a new positive case requires us to revert back to Step 1 and implement restrictions again.  Communal dining will cease effective today.  The planned visits which were scheduled to begin next week are cancelled.  The TR Director is in the process of calling all families who are affected by this.  This was something that we were hoping would not happen, unfortunately, we don't have control over exposure and what  happens in the greater community. Social Service is notifying all residents of the change...

Update July 14, 2020

Lancashire Hall completed Universal Testing of all staff and residents on May 19, 21, and 22.  We continued weekly testing of all negative staff and residents through June 23, 2020.  The last positive resident case was on 6/3 and the last positive employee case was on 6/9/2020.  The facility achieved 14 days with no new confirmed positive cases with the testing of June 23rd.  As a precaution, we have opted to continue testing on a bi-weekly basis.  Last week was the first week of the bi-weekly testing and we continue to have no new positive resident or employee cases.  There are no persons under investigation.  In accordance with DOH guidance to re-open, we are on step 3; which means, we can move forward with opening.  We have had an effective cohorting strategy in place since March which was implemented before we had our first case.  Our cohorting strategy was reinforced and strengthened by our ability to implement the testing strategy back ...

Update July 12, 2020

The facility conducted its first bi-weekly testing of residents and staff last week.  We are pleased to report that we have no new confirmed positive cases and the facility remains COVID free. We have not had a positive case in over a month.   We continue our surveillance and monitoring efforts of employees and staff.  The facility has developed a plan to resume group dining next week with implementation of safety and infection control strategies to prevent potential exposure.  The main dining room will be reopened for lunch and dinner with only a select number of individuals participating at this time to enusre social distancing guidelines are implemented. The whole team has been working diligently strategizing a successful re-opening plan.  A successful re-opening plan for our facility depends on development of a re-opening plan which meets DOH guidelines, the ability to remain COVID free and what is happening with the spread in the greater community. The f...

Update July 8, 2020

We are pleased to report that there continue to be no new confirmed positive  employee or resident cases.  The facility has opted to continue testing residents and staff on a bi-weekly basis since concluding the state required testing. Although not required or mandated, we continue to believe in the importance of  early identification of positive but asymptomatic individuals to control the spread of COVID.  We conducted our first round of bi-weekly testing on Monday and Tuesday.  We will continue to keep you apprised of any new confirmed cases and actions taken to mitigate.  The team is working diligently on the implementation plan for re-opening the facility according to the PA DOH guidance released on June 26th.  We will post this information when complete.

Update July 3, 2020

There continue to be no employee or resident cases of COVID.  Since completing the required testing protocol and having gone 14 days with no new positives, the facility is no longer required to continue testing. However, recognizing that the testing strategy was integral in containing and eliminating the spread in the facility, we have opted to continue testing every other week.  Given the rise in COVID cases across the country and in the past two days in PA, we are compelled to remain vigilant in our fight against the pandemic.  We continue to work on our implementation plan for re-opening however, we are paying close attention to what is happening in the state and Lancaster County.   We wish you all an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend.  Happy 4th of July to all!