Update July 31, 2020

Today we have received notification of one new confirmed positive employee case following this week's testing.  Resident tests from last week were all negative.  Residents are being tested again today.  We will continue weekly testing of all previously  negative residents and staff until we achieve 14 days with no new confirmed positives. 

Residents who have potentially been exposed by the positive staff member are under full transmission based precautions in accordance with CDC and DOH guidelines.   Social Service is in the process of notifying all families of residents who have had potential exposure.   The message line will be updated today. Residents are being notified of the confirmed positive case by Social Service . We will continue to monitor residents for signs or symptoms daily and obtain tests for anyone who presents with symptoms.  Staff screening continues to be completed each shift.

As a result of the new positive case this week, our opening plans are delayed again until.  We cannot open to visitors until there are no new confirmed cases for 14 days.

We will continue to keep you updated on our weekly test results and any changes that occur.  Thank you for your continued patience.


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