While conducting outbreak testing today, we have identified two positive resident test results on Baker Wing.  Last week, the facility informed you that there were two positive employee cases from Baker wing and they began outbreak testing.  They had completed the first round of outbreak testing and did not identify any new positive cases. However, while doing outbreak testing today, they identified two residents who tested positive. Both residents have been fully vaccinated.  The residents have been moved to the designated RED ZONE where they will remain in isolation until they are off transmission-based precautions.  Communal dining, indoor visits and group activities have been suspended for Baker, Rosemont, and Rehab.  As a reminder, Rehab back hall is designated as a Yellow Zone for new residents or those residents who are identified with potential exposure to COVID-19.  Rosemont has been designated YELLOW effective yesterday following the staff positive case that was communicated in an earlier post today.

The facility has contacted or is in the process of contacting residents, staff and families about action being taken to address the new positive cases.  Staff are being re-educated on the Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention.  New signs have been posted throughout the facility identifying RED-YELLOW-GREEN Zones with information on proper PPE for each area.

The facility has contacted the PA DOH Field Office, the PA Department of Health Office of Epidemiology and the Regional Congregate Assistance Teamn (RCAT) to update them on the positive test results, discuss action taken by the facility and to recieve additional guidance if needed.

Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA

Director of Operations


  1. A shame your job is made immensely more difficult by the lack of any serious mitigation efforts in the broader community. Our "leaders" and public health officials clearly have no concern for the widespread suffering of the population. This catastrophe would have been over a long time ago if our public officials at every level of government had done their jobs back at the beginning, in January and February of 2020. Now they are quibbling over whether or not to make kids wear masks even as they prepare to force them all back into unsafe schools, as if that most basic of measures will even be enough to protect the children, the teachers, and their families. How pathetic!

  2. I have emailed the contact us email about this, but you have an employee named Ashley Thompson out on facebook claiming the vaccines are unhealthy and that people shouldn't get them whilst using her experience at your company as a stepping stone as to why shes right. If you are taking covid seriously, this needs to be dealt with swiftly as she is likely part of the cause of this outbreak.


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