Update July 14, 2020

Lancashire Hall completed Universal Testing of all staff and residents on May 19, 21, and 22.  We continued weekly testing of all negative staff and residents through June 23, 2020.  The last positive resident case was on 6/3 and the last positive employee case was on 6/9/2020.  The facility achieved 14 days with no new confirmed positive cases with the testing of June 23rd.  As a precaution, we have opted to continue testing on a bi-weekly basis.  Last week was the first week of the bi-weekly testing and we continue to have no new positive resident or employee cases.  There are no persons under investigation.  In accordance with DOH guidance to re-open, we are on step 3; which means, we can move forward with opening.  We have had an effective cohorting strategy in place since March which was implemented before we had our first case.  Our cohorting strategy was reinforced and strengthened by our ability to implement the testing strategy back in May.  Testing on a regular basis allows for early detection and rapid mobilization of residents who need to be moved to Red (active or asymptomatic) confirmed positive or Yellow (potential exposure) Zones.  It also allows for early detection of positive asymptomatic staff who are then placed off work in accordance with CDC guidance.
We are pleased to resume group dining in the main dining room (solarium) tomorrow starting with the lunch meal.  Our strategy includes having residents (12 from Appel Unit) to enter the dining room through the main doors. One door is designated as the entrance and the other is the exit from the dining room.  A divider has been placed between the doors as the residents enter to control the travel.  As the residents enter the dining room wearing masks, a staff member will greet each resident, take their temperature and instruct the resident to sanitize their hands at the sanitizing station.  The resident will then be escorted to his or her table. Tables have been set up to maintain six feet of social distance for two residents to sit at the table.  Staff will take orders and serve the residents individually. Staff are continuing to wear masks and eye protection at all times when in contact with residents.  Staff have been instructed to sanitize their hands between serving of each resident.  Additional sanitizing stations have been strategically added to the dining room. The staff will remain in the dining room to supervise and ensure that the social distancing guidance is followed.  Signs are posted throughout to remind both staff and residents of these precautions.  Upon exiting, the staff will instruct the resident to sanitize their hands again before exiting the dining room.  The social service staff have discussed this plan with the residents and have provided copies in writing so they know what to expect tomorrow.
We have developed a formal plan to resume outside visits with families starting the week of July 27th.  Additional details about the plan and our formal re-opening Implementation Plan will be posted here by the end of next week.
All of us are very excited to resume dining tomorrow and look forward to welcoming visitors to Lancashire Hall at the end of the month.  Please be aware, our reopening efforts are contingent on the facility remaining COVID free as well as what is happening with cases in Lancaster County.  Please be advised that if we develop a positive case, we will need to reinstitute ALL restrictions again.  Additionally, if the county reverts to Yellow or Red, we will  implement full restrictions again.  We are watching closely what is happening across the country, in PA and in Lancaster County. Our efforts rely very much on individuals in the community taking the necessary precautions.  Our staff has worked very hard and we are extremely proud to share this information with you.  Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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