Update July 12, 2020

The facility conducted its first bi-weekly testing of residents and staff last week.  We are pleased to report that we have no new confirmed positive cases and the facility remains COVID free. We have not had a positive case in over a month.   We continue our surveillance and monitoring efforts of employees and staff.  The facility has developed a plan to resume group dining next week with implementation of safety and infection control strategies to prevent potential exposure.  The main dining room will be reopened for lunch and dinner with only a select number of individuals participating at this time to enusre social distancing guidelines are implemented.

The whole team has been working diligently strategizing a successful re-opening plan. A successful re-opening plan for our facility depends on development of a re-opening plan which meets DOH guidelines, the ability to remain COVID free and what is happening with the spread in the greater community. The full plan will be shared in the coming days.  Please continue to take necessary precautions when in public to prevent the spread of the virus.

Thank you, stay safe, and we hope to see you in a few weeks!


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