
Showing posts from June, 2020

Update June 29, 2020

We are pleased to report that all test results from last week have been received and there are no new confirmed positive cases amongst residents or staff.    There were a few results that were inconclusive and needed to be redone so we chose to wait until they were in before reporting.  The building is completely COVID free!  Our last positive result was identified on June 9th.  The staff have worked very hard to get to this point over the last several months so this is truly a very proud moment. Late Friday, June 26th, we received new guidance from the PA Department of Health about steps that buildings must take before re-opening.  It is very comprehensive and requires among other things, a facility plan which must be submitted to DOH.  We have already drafted a plan in response to that guidance.  We will be participating in educational calls with the Pennsylvania Health Care Association to discuss all aspects of that guidance to ensure that we ...

Update June 23, 2020

There is no new information to report today.  We continue to have no new confirmed positive employee or resident cases and no persons under investigation.  There continue to be no active cases in the building.  Testing is being completed today for all negative residents and staff.  All resident and employee tests last week were negative.  If the results are negative again this week, the weekly testing will be completed.  We will continue to monitor all employees prior to the start of the shift, whenever they leave the building, if they feel ill and at the end of the shift.  Employees are told to stay home if they are ill.  If they become ill during the shift, they are screened and asked to leave the building, report to their PCP and not return until they are cleared.  All residents continue to be screened every shift for signs and symptoms.  Any individual who develops symptoms will be tested, isolated and cohorted according to current C...

Update June 19, 2020

Today, we received 100% of the weekly test results for employees and residents and there are no new confirmed positive cases!  As  result, we have updated our "zones" and updated guidance for staff.  Appel and Baker units are both green; no positive cases and no potential exposure.  Rehab Front Hall is green; no positive cases and no potential exposure.  Rehab Center and Back Hall are Yellow. This area is being reserved for potential exposures.  Residents who go out of the facility for dialysis or to the hospital will be placed in  Yellow Zone in accordance with PA DOH guidance.  Rosemont has two residents considered to be in the Yellow Zone due to previous exposure related to hospitalization.  Because this is a dementia area, these residents cannot be moved off of the unit.  However, we have evaluated their individual situations and implemented necessary precautions.  Staff have been educated and new guidance has been posted throug...

Update June 18, 2020

We have received 63% of the employee results from this week's testing and there are currently no new confirmed positive employee cases.  We have not yet received the resident results.  All four previous positive confirmed resident cases have been resolved so there are currently no active resident cases. An update will be provided when we receive the remaining employee and resident test results that were completed on Tuesday. The PA Department of Health is showing 81,236 total cases while Lancaster County is showing 3867 total cases today.

Update June 17, 2020

There are no new confirmed positive resident or employee cases as of today.  Our weekly test results have not been returned. The PA Department of Health website shows 79,818 total cases today, an increase of 335 from yesterday.  Lancaster County is showing 3830 total cases which is an increase of 28 from yesterday. We will continue to keep you posted as changes occur.  Please remember that the hotline is available for cumulative updates as well.

Update June 16, 2020

There are no new confirmed positive resident or employee cases to report today.  We completed our fifth week of testing residents and staff who have previously tested negative.  There remain four active resident cases, all with no symptoms. The PA Department of Health is showing 79,483 total cases in the state today, an increase of 352 since yesterday.  Lancaster County is reporting 25 new total cases since yesterday for a total of 3802 countywide. We expect to receive the results of today's testing late tomorrow or early Thursday and will share the results.  Please keep us in your prayers that there are no new confirmed positive residents or staff!

Update June 15, 2020

There have been no new confirmed resident or employee cases over the weekend and through today.  We will be conducting weekly testing again tomorrow.  There are currently four active resident cases and all are asymptomatic.  We will update you with any changes and when we receive the weekly test results.   The PA Department of Health website is showing 76,883 confirmed and 2,238 probable cases for a total of 79,131 cases in the state.  That's an increase of 1,132 since Friday, June 12th.   Lancaster County is showing 3693 confirmed and 84 probable cases for a total of 3777, an increase of 94 since Friday, June 12th.  Please continue to be careful and stay safe.  Given the concern we have for what precautions are being taken by those in the greater community and the impact it will have on nursing home residents, I am sharing a very good article that was in the paper yesterday. I hope you will take a few minutes to read it and recognize why it's so...

Update 6/12/2020

There are now new confirmed positive resident or employee cases again today.  The PA Department of Health website is showing 75,800 confirmed and 2,199 probable cases today for a total of 77,999 cases, an increase of 686 total cases today.  Lancaster County is showing 3599  confirmed and 83 probable cases for a total of 3683 which is 51 new cases since yesterday.  Please continue to stay safe out there!

Update June 11, 2020

We just received the results of our weekly testing that was completed on Tuesday and we are happy to report that there are no new confirmed positive resident cases!  There are currently six active resident cases to date.  There is one new confirmed positive employee case.  The employee is off work and we are conducting contact tracing.  We will continue to follow CMS, CDC and DOH guidance. The Department of Health website is showing that there are 75,119 confirmed positive cases, 2194 probable cases for an increase of 305 new cases today.  Lancaster County had an increase of 32 new cases today bringing the total to 3632.

Update June 10, 2020

There are once again, no new confirmed positive employee or resident cases to report today.  We have not yet received the results of yesterday's testing but will report once we know. The Department of Health today reported that there are 74,846 confirmed and 2,162 probable cases, an increase of 410 from yesterday. Lancaster County reported that there are 3522 confirmed and 78 probable cases bringing the county total to 3600, an increase of 56 from yesterday.

Update June 9, 2020

There have been no new confirmed positive resident or employee cases yesterday or today.   We are conducting weekly testing today and will provide updates on the results when we receive them.  We have updated our zones and PPE guidance based on the number of resolved , active and potential exposure areas within the building in accordance with guidance from DOH.  All positive resident cases on Appel have been resolved.  Rosemont has one active positive case, all others have been resolved.  We have no confirmed positive cases on Rehab.  Baker back and Center remain yellow due to exposure and Baker Front hall has a handful of active cases.  We will use our results this week to determine if any changes will be made based on current CMS, CDC and DOH guidance. The Department of Health website is showing 74,298 confirmed positive cases and 2138 probable cases bringing the state total cases today to 76,436.  Lancaster County is reporting 3478 confirmed a...

Update June 7, 2020

There remain no new confirmed positive resident or employee cases today.  Today's post is being shared to provide information on what's happening in the state and county.  The PA Department of Health website shows that there are 506 new cases in the state bringing the state total to 75,592.  Lancaster County shows 57 new cases for a county total of 3461.  Hope you all enjoyed the weekend.  We will start our weekly calls tomorrow.  Take care, be safe!

Update June 6, 2020

Today there are no new confirmed positive resident or employee cases.  The residents who tested positive  yesterday were moved to a "red" zone in accordance with DOH and CDC guidance for cohorting.  We completed observations audits yesterday and today on each shift to ensure that staff are following proper procedures.  We have also done staff re-education and interviewed staff to ensure that they understand efforts as we continue our efforts to contain and prevent the spread of COVID.  Our primary focus is the health and safety of  our residents and employees as we work to abolish this virus from our building. Today the PA Department of Health website is showing that there are 701 new total cases in PA bringing the statewide total cases to 75,086.  Lancaster County is showing 67 new cases today bringing the county total cases to 3404.  We are concerned and cautious about counties opening up, the warmer weather and everyone's collective desire for...

Update June 5, 2020

We have received the results of all resident test for this week and there are five new confirmed positive residents.  We have received results for 135 employees to date and there are no new confirmed positive employee cases.  We are currently moving the newly identified positive residents to a red zone area (area known to have positive cases) and completing contract tracing as we review infection control practices .  Testing will continue next week for all negative residents and employees. The Department of Health website shows that there are 343 new total cases in PA today bringing the number to 74,385.  Lancaster County had an increase of 36 new cases since  yesterday bringing the county total to 3337.

Update June 4, 2020

There continue to be no new confirmed resident or employee cases today.  We are waiting to receive the results of the weekly testing and will provide an update when they are received.  We continue to follow the recommendations and guidance of the CDC, CMS, and PA Department of Health. There are 73, 942 total cases in the state today according to the Department of Health website.  That is an additional 537 total cases reported since  yesterday.  Lancaster County has 3301 cases today, an increase of 34 since yesterday.

Update June 3, 2020

There are no new confirmed positive resident or employee cases today.  Resident testing was completed today for those residents who tested negative again last week.  Testing of staff who tested negative last week is in progress.  We will report results when they become available. We continue to follow recommendations of CMS, CDC and Department of Health.  Family calls are continuing for this week. The Department of Health website is showing that there are 511 new total cases to bring the statewide total to 73,405 today.  Lancaster County increased by 49 today bringing the county total cases to 3267.

Update June 2, 2020

Today we have received one new confirmed positive resident case.    There are no new confirmed employee positive cases.  The weekly testing of all staff and residents is progress.  We continue to follow recommendations from CDC and DOH regarding infection control practices and will continue weekly testing according to current guidance. The Department of Health website is showing an increase of 616 total cases bringing the state total to 72,894.  Lancaster County increased by 29 cases and now has 3218. We will continue to keep you updated as changes occur.

Update June 1, 2020

There are no new confirmed positive resident or employee cases to report today.  We have resolved six more resident cases today.  We continue to follow CDC and DOH guidance regarding infection control practices as well as recommendations for testing strategies and cohorting staff and residents.  Our second round of weekly testing is scheduled to begin tomorrow. The weekly family update calls started today for this week.  We will continue to keep you updated with any new information.  Please feel free to call us with any questions or concerns. There are currently 72,282 total cases in the state according to the Pennsylvania Department of Health website.  Lancaster County has 3189 cases as of today.