Update June 23, 2020

There is no new information to report today.  We continue to have no new confirmed positive employee or resident cases and no persons under investigation.  There continue to be no active cases in the building.  Testing is being completed today for all negative residents and staff.  All resident and employee tests last week were negative.  If the results are negative again this week, the weekly testing will be completed.  We will continue to monitor all employees prior to the start of the shift, whenever they leave the building, if they feel ill and at the end of the shift.  Employees are told to stay home if they are ill.  If they become ill during the shift, they are screened and asked to leave the building, report to their PCP and not return until they are cleared.  All residents continue to be screened every shift for signs and symptoms.  Any individual who develops symptoms will be tested, isolated and cohorted according to current CDC and DOH guidance.
We will update you when we receive the results of this week's testing or if there are any other changes.  You may continue to call into the hotline to get updates at your convenience.  Please feel free to contact us with specific questions or concerns related to your loved ones.


  1. Thank You! Cautious optimism that we are reaching the end - So ready to get back to visit!

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