Update June 9, 2020

There have been no new confirmed positive resident or employee cases yesterday or today.   We are conducting weekly testing today and will provide updates on the results when we receive them.  We have updated our zones and PPE guidance based on the number of resolved , active and potential exposure areas within the building in accordance with guidance from DOH.  All positive resident cases on Appel have been resolved.  Rosemont has one active positive case, all others have been resolved.  We have no confirmed positive cases on Rehab.  Baker back and Center remain yellow due to exposure and Baker Front hall has a handful of active cases.  We will use our results this week to determine if any changes will be made based on current CMS, CDC and DOH guidance.
The Department of Health website is showing 74,298 confirmed positive cases and 2138 probable cases bringing the state total cases today to 76,436.  Lancaster County is reporting 3478 confirmed and 76 probable cases bringing the total county cases to 3554.


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