July 27, 2021
We have completed the monthly testing of non-vaccinated employees this past week and there were no positive test results. I'll be posting updates on a limited basis since there is not a lot of new information to report.
The visitation schedule has been reviewed and revised due to expressed concerns about rigid timeframes. Teronna (the administrator) and the team got together over this past week to look at opportunities for flexibility while still allowing us to adhere to the COVID-19 Core Principles of Infection Prevention per CMS guidance. Teronna and the team were completing calls to all family members Friday with the updates and changes. Teronna has updated the visitation policy and a letter has been sent to families.
I am attaching here for your reference, the last updated guidance from CMS regarding visitation. QSO-20-39-NH REVISED (cms.gov) Please review and feel free to reach out with any questions. While life is seemingly returning to "normal", there continues to be on-going concern about continued infections and the new variants that are being seen across the country and in PA. We cannot forget that we are dealing with the most vulnerable population. We are anxious to get things back to pre-COVID existence but cannot do that at the expense of the residents.
We will do our best to be as flexible as we possibly can but we must still follow certain precautions.
Visitors will continue to be screened upon entry. Anyone exhibiting signs or symptoms will not be permitted to visit, regardless of vaccine status. We cannot assume that your allergy symptoms are not COVID. It is for the protection of our residents.
Visitors will not be permitted to wander freely throughout the facility.
You will be required to wear a mask when you enter and as you travel to your visit location in the facility. We are requiring that well-fitting masks be worn at all times in the building.
Visitors will continue to be required to physically distance from other residents and staff during the visit.
Please feel free to contact Teronna Bosserman, NHA with any facility specific questions related to the visitor's procedures.
Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA
Director of Operations
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