June 19, 2021

There continue to be no new positive employee or resident test results.  The Lancaster County positivity rate remains at 1.4% again for the second week in a row.  We continue to conduct screening for all persons entering the building.  If you have symptoms or do not feel well, we ask that you do not visit.  Many people have seasonal allergies.  Allergy symptoms are similar to COVID-19 and we cannot just take someone's word for it if they present with symptoms.  We will not permit anyone to visit that is exhibiting symptoms.  We are aware that there are new variants of the virus therefore, we will continue to take every precaution to protect our vulnerable residents.  We appreciate your patience, understanding, and cooperation.  I think we are all looking forward to the day when we can put this behind us!

Have a great weekend!

Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA

Director of Operations


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