Update April 15, 2020

As of today, we have 7 confirmed positive resident cases and 8 confirmed staff cases.  Three of the staff have already returned to work.  Daily updates will be posted here to keep you informed as things change.  

Additionally, we have received guidance from an educational webinar with the National Institutes of Health regarding how long the virus is believed to remain on surfaces such as paper, cardboard, mail, etc... As an added precaution, any packages that are brought in to the facility will be  isolated for 24 hours before being sent to the resident.  Mail will be held and isolated for 24 hours before being distributed to the residents. Families bringing laundry or clothing into the facility will leave the bag of clothing outside the double doors.  Staff will hold the laundry in isolation for 24 hours before taking it to the resident.  

Staff who order food from outside for delivery will be required to meet the delivery vendor outside of the facility and consume the food in their vehicle.   Upon returning to the facility, the staff will be required to wash/sanitize hands and be screened for temperature before returning to the units.  If residents order food from an outside vendor for delivery, staff will meet the delivery vendor outside the facility with a clean food container and transfer the food into the new container before being given to the resident.

We continue to work diligently to stay on top of the latest news and guidance from the CDC, the Department of Health and other federal, state and local resources for long term care providers.  We are trying to desperately to battle a silent enemy that hides and evades detection.  

I just want to remind you that we continue with all recommended screening measures.  We have been screening all staff and other visitors since 3/9/2020.  As of 3/14/2020, outside visitors have been completely restricted.  Only essential health care providers are permitted inside the facility and they must also be screened and free of symptoms before they may enter.  Residents have been going out to essential medical appointments only such as, dialysis.  When going out for these appointments, residents are provided with surgical masks.  We are also notifying the other medical providers if a resident they are seeing has tested positive so they may also take the necessary precautions to protect others in their centers.

Anyone presenting with symptoms has been or will be sent home and directed to contact their PCP.  Staff are not permitted to return to work without a physician note clearing him/her for return to duty.   Staff are screened before the start of their shift, during the shift if they report not feeling well and at the end of their shift.  Staff are NOT permitted to work if they are ill.  Residents are screened every shift.  Positive residents are isolated and have dedicated care givers who do not provide care to residents who are not confirmed or under investigation.  Staff are wearing face shields, masks, gowns, and gloves in all areas of the facility.  Staff who are not providing some type of direct patient care are restricted from the units(i.e. administrative staff remain in their assigned areas).

I want you to know that we recognize that this is a stressful and fearful for time for you as well.  We want to keep our lines of communication open so that you have a sense of what is happening even though you cannot be here.  Our staff thank you for your on-going support and words of encouragement.  These are very trying times for certain but we really are in this together and we will get through this together.  Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns.


  1. Thank you for all of the precautions you are taking to keep everyone in good health!

  2. Thank you for posting this. My mother is a resident and am very concerned about her. Please continue to provide updates!

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