April 9, 2021

 We have been informed that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19.  The employee last worked in the facility on 4/3.  As a result, we are conducting outbreak testing of all residents and staff in accordance with CMS and PA DOH guidance.  The new guidance requires that we suspend indoor visits (with the exception of compassionate visits and those for disability law rights) until we complete the first round of testing.  The guidance is posted here for your reference QSO-20-39-NH Revised (cms.gov)

The staff are in the process of calling families and notifying residents.  The COVID hotline message has been updated today with this new information.

Additionally, residents who were exposed to this employee are now on transmission based precautions in a "Yellow Zone".  As you will recall, the Yellow Zone is the area where residents are isolated during the 14 day quarantine period.  The employee worked on Appel wing, therefore, Appel is now considered a "Yellow Zone".  This employee also served in the Main Dining Room on 4/3.  There are some residents from Baker wing who eat in the Main Dining Room.  The Baker residents will be moved to the  "Yellow Zone" on Rehab Unit during their isolation period.  The other residents who eat in the Main Dining Room are from Appel which has been turned into a "Yellow Zone".

We know that it is challenging and frustrating for the residents and families to deal with these sudden changes. However, we must not forget that there continues to be a high incidence of community spread and we must follow the guidance to prevent the potential for an outbreak.  Thank you for your understanding. Please don't hesitate to call with questions.

Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA

Director of Operations


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