February 24, 2021

The Lancaster County positivity rate this week is down to 8.0%.  According to CMS guidance, we are in a medium risk county (5%-10% positivity rating).  This means that are required to continue testing staff weekly until the county positivity rate drops to less than 5%.  However, when we identify any individual, staff or resident, with a positive test result, we are required to conduct universal testing of staff and residents for 14 days until there are no new positive test results.

We continue with weekly testing of staff and residents this week due to the positive employee test result last week.  There was one positive employee test result this week which has been sent out for confirmation.  At this time, we are still considered to be in "outbreak" status according to CMS guidance (QSO-20-38-NH (cms.gov))  since we have had one positive test result.  We are continuing universal testing of residents and staff for the next 14 days as described above.  We have met and reviewed our plans to resume indoor visits as soon as we are no longer considered to be in outbreak status nor conducting universal testing.

I have asked the administrator to schedule another family Zoom meeting so we can review visitation guidance and address any questions or concerns you have.  Please look for the invite and plan to join us if you can.  In the meantime, please continue to call the facility with any questions or concerns.  If you feel your concerns are not addressed at the facility level, please call me and I will help to facilitate resolution.

Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA

Director of Operations


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