February 14, 2021
Resident(weekly) and staff testing (two times a week) was completed again last week. There were two staff test results that had to be sent for validation of negative results since the employees had symptoms on the day of the test. The employees were immediately sent home. Today we received one confirmed positive employee test result, the other was negative. The Infection Prevention Nurse is conducting contact tracing and implementing cohorting strategy based on the results of the positive employee test result. We will continue testing all residents and staff weekly for the next 14 days.
The positivity rate for Lancaster County this week is 9.7%. This is the second week in a row that the county positivity rate is below 10%. Last week, it was 9.9%. A positivity rating below 10% means that facilities can now stop the twice weekly testing of employees and resume weekly testing. However, because we have had a positive employee test result, we will be required to test weekly for 14 days until the facility has no new positive test results.
Given that the positivity rate is still close to 10%, we remain concerned about the potential for community spread and the possibility of that impact on our residents and staff. We remain cautious and will continue to delay the resumption of indoor visits until further notice. We will continue to review each resident's individual situation for consideration of compassionate visits. If you have questions about this, please contact the Director of Nursing. Our team will be meeting to discuss visitation plans this week and will keep you updated.
Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA
Director of Operations
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