January 17, 2021

 There were no new positive employee or resident test results last week.  We will continue testing employees twice a week since the county positivity rate remains above 10%.  This week, Lancaster County is at 14.9%.   As previously stated, we are required to test twice a week as long as the county remains at or above 10%.  Residents will be tested again this coming week due to the positive employee test result the last week of December.  If all test results are negative this week, we will not need to test residents again next week. 

Our vaccine clinic yesterday was a great success!  Approximately 50% of the employees and 83% of the residents were vaccinated.  Our second clinic is scheduled for February 6th where all of those vaccinated yesterday will receive their second dose.  Additionally, any staff or residents who waited, will receive their first vaccine on this date.  We are optimistically looking forward to bringing this chapter to a close so we can return to life as we knew it.  This vaccine has certainly renewed hope for all of us at Lancashire Hall. 


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