Our since hope is that 2021 will bring peace, health and happiness to all. Praying that the vaccine will bring us closer to life as we used to know it. Happy New Year and may God bring many blessings in 2021.
The Lancaster County positivity rate this week is down to 0.8%. We continue to do monthly testing of non-vaccinated staff. There are no positive test results. We continue to follow CDC, CMS and DOH guidance for infection prevention which includes screening of all individuals entering the facility, wearing required PPE, hand washing, wiping down surfaces and providing on-going education/reminders to staff and residents regularly. Have a nice weekend! Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA Director of Operations
As of today, we have 7 confirmed positive resident cases and 8 confirmed staff cases. Three of the staff have already returned to work. Daily updates will be posted here to keep you informed as things change. Additionally, we have received guidance from an educational webinar with the National Institutes of Health regarding how long the virus is believed to remain on surfaces such as paper, cardboard, mail, etc... As an added precaution, any packages that are brought in to the facility will be isolated for 24 hours before being sent to the resident. Mail will be held and isolated for 24 hours before being distributed to the residents. Families bringing laundry or clothing into the facility will leave the bag of clothing outside the double doors. Staff will hold the laundry in isolation for 24 hours before taking it to the resident. Staff who order food from outside for delivery will be required to meet the delivery vendor ...
Good afternoon. Today we have been informed of two more positive resident cases. There are currently eight residents with test results pending. There was one staff member who reported a confirmed positive case. The total number of residents who have tested positive is 25 while staff is 16. Social Service staff have continued making the weekly calls to all family members today. These should be completed by the end of this week. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. The numbers in PA reported by the Department of Health today included 132,323 negative and 34,528 positive cases. Lancaster County now has 1295 positive and 5956 negatives. The number of nursing and assisted living facilities in Lancaster County reporting positive cases is now 22 with 291 resident cases and 60 employees. While the numbers do not appear to be growing as rapidly as they did a few weeks ago, the numbers still continue to climb in Lancaster ...
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