December 11, 2020

We have continued universal testing of residents and twice weekly testing of staff this week.  There was one new staff member that tested positive during this week's universal testing and that individual is out of work for quarantine.  A second staff member who developed symptoms outside of work, was tested outside of the facility and received a positive test result.  All resident test results are negative this week.  We will continue universal testing of residents through the next fourteen days.  Staff testing will continue twice weekly due to the high positivity rate in Lancaster County. Today, Lancaster County has a positivity rate of 14.8%.   

This has been an extremely challenging year dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.  As you may know, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found a COVID-19 vaccine to be safe and effective.  This vaccine has gone through testing and clinical trials to ensure it meets the highest safety standards.  

We have partnered with an approved pharmacy provider to distribute and administer the vaccination at our facility when it is available.   We are currently planning to move forward with our vaccination clinics as soon as we receive additional information from our pharmacy partner.

There will be no cost to the residents or employees for the vaccine.  The vaccine does require a signed consent so when we receive the information from the pharmacy, we will be reaching out to residents, responsible parties, and employees to obtain those.

We will be strongly encouraging all staff and residents to receive the vaccine considering the danger that COVID-19 presents to our residents. The more of us that get vaccinated, the better we can protect our residents, employees, families, and our community against potential outbreaks. We can save lives.  The vaccine is our greatest hope in getting our lives back to normal.

Have a nice weekend and please stay safe out there.

Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA

Director of Operations





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