Update November 20, 2020

We have completed this week's employee testing and we are both pleased and grateful to report that there are no positive COVID-19 test results.  We feel extremely fortunate given the increasing cases across the U.S., PA and Lancaster County.  Today's county positivity rate has increased from 9.2% to 11.1%.  For those on the family Zoom meeting yesterday, you will recall that we were anticipating that Lancaster would be in the high county positivity case count by next week.  As a result of this, we are now required to test staff twice weekly.  There is no new guidance on testing of asymptomatic residents however, we will evaluate and determine if residents who go out routinely for medical appointments should be tested. 

Additionally, because we are in a high positivity county, we will be stopping all indoor visits and switching back to window and virtual visits.  Our Therapeutic Recreation staff has already contacted the families who have visits scheduled for next week.  We greatly appreciate your understanding on this.  The safety of our residents is a shared priority and it makes our jobs a lot easier when you understand why we are doing what we do.

Additionally, we have decided that we will be testing visitors who are having in-person visits with residents qualifying for compassionate care visits.  Testing will be coordinated with the facility clinical team.  If you are someone who visits for this reason, Wendy Mast, our Director of Social Service will be contacting you to discuss testing with you.

We are sending a letter today to all responsible parties and residents explaining all of the changes, which is available HERE. Yesterday, CMS has issued new guidance related to the concern for the growing number of positive cases and the risk it presents to our nursing home population.  We have included in that mailing our company position on residents going out for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we continue to navigate the challenges we face due to the prolonged pandemic.  Have a nice weekend!


Director of Operations, Wilmac Corporation

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