Update November 13, 2020

We have completed weekly testing again this week and we are very pleased to report that there continue to be no new positive COVID-19 test results.  It is important to remind you that the numbers across the United States, Pennsylvania and Lancaster County continue to rise at an alarming rate.  Please take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones.  As a reminder, maintain a safe environment by screening those who visit your home by asking if they have had symptoms or if they have been exposed to anyone with symptoms so that you can take necessary steps to protect yourself.  Wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands frequently and clean surfaces frequently.  These are all important steps to prevent the potential for exposure to COVID-19.  Your precaution in the community also helps to ensure the safety of our residents when you visit.

We are continuing with indoor scheduled visits at this time however, as the county positivity rate continues to climb, we are working on a formal plan for visitor testing.  We will notify you of the plan in the next several days.  While testing is not required, CMS does encourage visitor testing in counties with medium to high positivity ratings.  Today, Lancaster County's positivity rating is 9.1%. As a  measure of where we stand, 5% positivity is low, 5%-10% is medium and greater than 10% is considered high.  As you can see, Lancaster County is on the cusp of hitting the high positivity rating. We will take an abundance of caution to protect our residents from the spread that is happening in the greater community.  This includes reminding our employees of controlling their behavior when away from the workplace to prevent risk of exposure to our residents.  We continue to provide frequent reminders about infection control measures and CMS's Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention.  

On a final note, we regret that we will not be able to host our annual Holiday Family Dinner this year.  This is a first time in a long history of tradition that we have had to cancel this event.  However, the risk of potential exposure associated with large gatherings is simply not worth the risk presented to our residents.  We have instead planned a special Holiday Dinner for the residents which takes place in December.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.  Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!

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