Status Update November 28, 2020

 There are no new updates or positive test results to report again this week.  We continue with our twice weekly testing of employees due to the high case count of COVID-19 in Lancaster County.  Lancaster County's positivity rate has increased to 12.7% for the past week.  We continue to take all precautions including restricted visits except for compassionate care, window and virtual visits.  Staff are reminded to practice frequent hand hygiene, social distancing wearing of face masks and eye protection throughout the facility.  Because we know that community spread is the greatest threat to our residents, we also strongly  encourage staff to wear masks, practice frequent hand  hygiene and social distancing while in the community.  Residents are also reminded and encouraged to practice safe social distancing, frequent hand hygiene and mask wearing for their protection. 

The PA Department of Health has created a mobile app which you can download, found here COVID Alert PA | PA.GOV.  The app is free, easy to download, and use. It allows you to track and report on symptoms and users can opt in to receive alerts about possible exposures.  Please click the link above to learn more and to install the app. 

Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding.  

Sharon Eyster, MA, ACBSW, CNHA, FACHCA

Director of Operations


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