Update September 3rd: RE-OPEN NEXT WEEK

 All of this week's test results are now in and all are negative.  We have gone 14 days with no new positive employee cases and over 90 days with no new resident cases. We are very excited to let you know that we will be proceeding with our re-opening plans as scheduled for Wednesday, September 9th!!!!!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Visits are scheduled four days a week at designated times by unit.  Many have already been booked for this week. If you have not already done so, please contact the Therapeutic Recreation Department to schedule your visit.  All visits must be scheduled in advance.  We do have very structured visitation schedules so that we can ensure proper social distancing, infection control measures, and adequate use of PPE.  As you come to the building, the front entrance is very well marked to guide you to the visitor registration area.  You will have your temperature taken and be asked a series of questions in accordance with our screening protocol.  Anyone who has traveled to states where quarantine is required by the State of Pennsylvania will not be permitted in the building.  Anyone who is exhibiting signs or symptoms, such as a fever, will not be permitted beyond the screening area.  Once screening is successfully completed, visitors will be escorted to the visitation area.  Visits will last half an hour and there will be half an hour between each visit.  This allows us time to clean and disinfect the visitor area.  

I am re-posting our re-opening plans here again for your review.  Lancashire Hall Re-opening Implementation Plan. We have gone through great lengths to ensure that our re-opening plans meet the Department of Health requirements.  If you have any questions, please contact us.  Please remember, ALL visits must be scheduled in advance so that we may adhere to the safety precautions we've established to protect our residents from potential exposure to COVID-19.

We are very excited and happy to have you return to Lancashire Hall next week!  We look forward to seeing you again!

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