Update September 19, 2020

 We continue weekly employee testing under guidance from CMS and PA DOH according to county positivity rates.   The positivity rate for Lancaster County published by CMS on Thursday is 5.1% which means that we will continue to test weekly.  There are currently no positive resident or employee cases. It has been one month since our last positive employee test result and over three months since our last positive resident case.  We continute to follow current PA DOH guidance on use of PPE and infection prevention measures in our mitigation efforts. All staff are required to wear eye protection and masks throughout the facility.  

Since the facility has been in Step 2 for 14 days and we have had no new  positive test results, we are now considered to be in Step 3 of the Re-opening plan.  That means we are permitted to have activities with social distancing, hand hygien and universal masking and outings limited to the number of people where social distancing can be me maintained, use of volunteers and return of non-essential staff. We continue to require scheduled visits through our Therapeutic Recreation Department.  Additionally, we are coordinating the resumption of Salon Services and will let you know the start date as soon as it is confirmed.  

Last week, I mentioned that there was new guidance on COVID-19 for Skilled Nursing Facilities published by PA DOH on September 3rd.  Compassionate Caregiver visits are now permitted even if the facility is not open to visitors.  Compassionate Caregivers are individuals  identified by the resident, the resident's family or facility staff to provide compassionate care.  Compassionate Caregiver visits may be  considered when there are two or more documented signficant changes in a resident's condition.  Compassionate Caregivers are required to show proof of a COVID-19 test within a week or preferrably within 72 hours of initiating caregiver duties.  The caregiver is also subject to testing in accordance with the facility testing schedule.  Caregivers are responsible for arranging for and paying for the cost of testing.  These visist are limited to two visits per day and no more than two compassionate caregivers per resident at one time.  The faciltiy has developed a policy and procedure to ensure that we are following PA DOH guidance to ensure the safety of our residents and staff.  The interdisciplinary team has been educated and provided with a copy of the policy to help identify those residents who may qualify for such visits.  Additionally, if you believe that your loved one would qualify for compassionate caregiver visits, please contact the facility Social Service Department for consideration.

We are thankful to remain free of COVID-19 and are committed to our on-going efforts to keep our residents and staff safe.  Please continue to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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