Update May 4 2020

We have been notified of two new resident confirmed positive test results today.  There are four resident test results pending.  We have no new positive staff member results to report today although one employee test result is pending.
There are 1635 new positive cases being reported by the Department of Health today bringing the statewide number of positive cases to 50,092.  Lancaster County increased by 55 positive cases from yesterday putting our county total at 1991.  Nursing and personal care homes reporting positive resident and employee cases remains at 27, same as yesterday.  The number of positive residents increased by 6 from yesterday to 434 and one new employee case was added putting the number of positive employees at 109.
Staff have started making their weekly calls today to provide updates to all families.  We continue to follow the guidance from the CDC, Department of Health and other federal, local and state authorities.


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