Update May 28, 2020

We completed mass testing again this week of residents and employees whose results were negative last week.  After receiving the results for all residents and at least 75% of the employees, we have identified two new confirmed positive asymptomatic residents and three new confirmed positive asymptomatic employees.  The remainder of the employees will be tested tomorrow.  We will plan to do another round of testing next week for those residents and employees with negative results this week based on CDC testing strategy recommendations. (HAN 508) CDC guidance recommends re-testing employees and residents who have tested negative weekly until there are 14 days with no new confirmed positive cases.  Our weekly results will guide us in the decision making process as  we move forward.
Based on this week's test results, we moved two residents out of a "Yellow" Zone (exposure but no positive cases) into a "Red" Zone (active cases),.  The three employees are currently not working.
We will continue to keep residents and families updated weekly and as changes occur.
Today, the Department of Health website is showing 625 new total cases (positive and probable) for a statewide total of 70,042 cases,  Lancaster County had 25 new cases since yesterday bring the total county cases to 3056.


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