Update May 26, 2020

There are no new confirmed positive resident cases to report today.  There was one new confirmed positive case today.  Weekly testing has begun for all staff today who previously tested negative.  Weekly testing was completed today for the residents who previously tested negative.  We will report the outcome when the results are received.  This testing strategy is being done the effort to quickly identify any individuals who may be asymptomatic to prevent the spread of the virus.  We continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and DOH.
Our social workers and other support staff continue with the weekly calls to keep families updated on the status of their loved ones as well as to provide the total cumulative numbers related to COVID status in the facility.
The Department of Health reported 68,637 total cases today, an increase of 451 from yesterday.  Lancaster County reported 131 new cases today bringing the county total to 2985.


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