Update May 24, 2020

We received notification of two new resident positive cases today.  These two were part of the first batch of universal tests from last week.  Because the results were inconclusive for these individuals, we re-tested and received confirmed positive results today.  We have received notification of one new confirmed positive employee test.  There are no pending employee tests.
We have made arrangements to begin weekly testing starting on Tuesday.  Residents and families will be notified prior to completion.
We continue to screen all staff at the beginning and end of the shift as well as if they leave the building during the shift.  Residents are being monitored for symptoms each shift.  We are following CDC and DOH recommendations for infection precautions and cohorting the positive staff and residents.
Today, the Department of Health reported that there are 67,713 total cases of COVID-19 in the state. This is an increase of 730 cases from yesterday.  In addition, Lancaster County has 2854 cases which is an increase of 64 from yesterday's total.
I wish you a Happy Memorial Day Weekend, please stay safe.


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