Update May 21, 2020

We have started receiving the results of the universal testing that was completed on 5/19/2020.  Today, we were notified of 29 new confirmed positive resident and 25 confirmed positive  employee cases.   A hundered percent of the resident test results have been returned.  We have received notification of 25 new confirmed positive employee cases as a result of the universal testing.  The employee results will be returned in batches as not all employees could be tested on the same day.  The results received back for employees today were the majority of staff.  Having the results has permitted us the opportunity to cohort positive residents to segregate them from those identified as negative.  We continue to monitor residents for symptoms and will implement re-testing in accordance with DOH guidance for both residents and employees.

We will continue to keep you updated on any status changes or new confirmed positive cases.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health website today is showing that there are currently 63,392 confirmed positive cases in the state.  Lancaster County reported 2690 confirmed positive cases today, an increase of 77 since I last reported the numbers on May 19, 2020.


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