Update May 14, 2020

We have received one new confirmed positive resident case since yesterday and no new confirmed positive employee cases. There are five resident and two employee tests pending.  We are happy to report that we have resolved several resident cases.  We have had had  our first confirmed positive case on Baker wing.  We have maanged to cohort residents to open up back and center hall of rehab.  The cleaning company has come in to complete disinfection and sanitization on that unit.  We will be working with our medical director to address future cohorting needs depending on the needs and testing status now that rehab hallways have been opened.  We are aligning our strategy to meet the intent of the PA DOH guidance relased on 5/12/2020 pertaining to testing and post intervention to include a cohorting plan for residents. (2020-PAHAN-508-5-12-ADV)

The Pennsylvania Department of Health reports that there are 59, 636 confirmed positive cases in the state.  Lancaster County had an increase of 39 cases from yesterday for a total of 2363 confirmed positive case.  31 Lancaster County Nursing Homes or Personal Care Homes are reporting 576 confirmed psoitive resident cases and 156 confirmed positive employee cases.

We continue to work closely with our medical director as well as ahdering to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 
Weekly calls are still in progress.  Staff will be sharing the cumulative numbers with you on the calls.  Residents are receiving updates from Social Service and Therapeutic Recreation Staff so they are aware of our status, plans and mitigation strategies related to COVID-19.  Staff are scheduling window visits during the weekly calls this week.
Today the residents and staff are having ice cream treats to celebrate National Nursing Home Week.  We will be having a picnic style meal for residents and staff tomorrow.  On Saturday, staff and residents will be treated to an Ice Coffee Station.  While these celebrations are not the typical group get togethers we are used to, we wanted to do something special for residents and staff during this time to show our appreciation for the sacrifices made by all.  
We thank you for your continued patience, support and words of encouragment.


  1. Continued prayers for the staff and residents!

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