Update May 11, 2020

Good afternoon friends and family.  We are happy to once again report that there are no new confirmed resident or employee cases today.  We continue to have 6 resident tests and 2 employee tests pending.  Baker continues to remain free of any confirmed positive resident cases to date.

Room moves that were discussed last week are being completed in preparation for deep cleaning and sanitization of those rooms.  

Staff are beginning to make their weekly phone calls and will be discussing the schedule for resumption of window visits.  As you know, nursing homes are still under visitor restriction guidelines during the pandemic.  Even as the state and counties begin to open up, we cannot resume visitation again until we receive the directive from the federal and state governments to do so.  The window visits will take place as follows:

Rehab Unit-----Mondays

The staff will be discussing the details with you during the calls to schedule your visits with your loved ones.  

The Pennsylvania Department of Health website today shows that there are 57,154 confirmed positive COVID cases in the state, an increase of 543 from yesterday.  Lancaster County reported 2256 confirmed positive cases today, only 33 more than yesterday.  There are 31 nursing or personal care homes in Lancaster County reporting 525 confirmed positive resident and 139 confirmed positive employee cases.

We continue working closely with our medical director as well as ahdering to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 
As counties begin to open, please continue to be safe and wear your PPE whenever you are out in public.  As much as everyone wants this virus to be gone, we are fearful of the continued threat, in particular to our vulnerable population.  Now is not the time to let down our guard.


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