Update April 25, 2020

We have received notification today of five more residents who have tested positive for COVID-19.  There are two results pending.  One additional staff person has tested positive bringing the staff total to 24.   Many staff are resuming work following the CDC guidance for allowing health care workers to return.
Thank you to Manheim Twp fire department for dropping off the additional gowns that we ordered last week. We are truly blessed to have collaborative relationships with the Keystone Healthcare Coalition, the Department of Health, other health care providers, first responders and businesses in our township.   We truly recognize that we are all in this together and we will all get through it together.  The relationships and partnerships that we have developed during this crisis have been a source of strength and encouragement.
The Department of Health reported today that there were an additional 1397 positive cases in PA today bringing the statewide total to 40,049.  There are 152,886 negative.  Lancaster County positive cases grew by 50 putting the county total at 1501 today.  There are 6692 negative results.  The nursing home and personal care facilities reporting positive cases remains the same at 23 with 341 residents and 72 employees.


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