Update April 30, 2020

We have received no new confirmed positive resident cases of COVID-19 today.  There are six resident test results pending.  We have received one new confirmed positive and one negative employee case with one test result pending.
There were 1397 new confirmed positive cases in the state reported today on the Department of Health website.  Lancaster County reported 1765 cases, an increase of 62 from yesterday.  There are 26 nursing homes or personal care homes reporting 392 confirmed  positive residents and 93 confirmed positive employees.
We strive to keep you updated on a daily basis so you are informed of what's happening in our facility as well as keeping you informed on what's happening in the state and Lancaster County.    We are not alone in this fight.    The nursing home and senior living communities have been the most vulnerable to the ferocity of this particular virus because of the ages and multiple co-morbidities of our populations.  It has been a silent enemy that hides in people with no symptoms making it impossible to identify who is carrying it.  There are individuals who show no symptoms, those who develop mild symptoms and those that develop very serious symptoms.  We are not able to discern how it will affect any particular individual. Our approach remains early detection through monitoring of residents and staff, testing as ordered and individual treatment of symptoms.
Our staff are committed to keeping you connected to your loved ones through multiple virtual visits.  Social Service, Activities and other support staff are all working together to coordinate and schedule the visits.  We are also discussing options for resuming the window visits.  Once we have established a plan, we will let you know.  Please continue to reach out to us with questions or concerns.


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