Update April 28, 2020

There are no new resident positive cases to report today.  We do have 10 results pending.  There are also no new staff members who have tested positive.  We continue to have one remaining staff test pending.  
The Department of Health reported 1210 new confirmed positive cases in the state today.  Lancaster County increased by 45 new cases since  yesterday bringing their total confirmed positive cases to 1678.  There are nursing homes in Lancaster County reporting confirmed positive cases with 376 confirmed positive resident cases and 78 confirmed positive employees.
We are optimistic that the slower rate of growth in new cases is a positive sign but it is too early to be sure.  We will continue to keep you updated on the status of your loved one. Social Service has been increasing the number of virtual visits.  We too are hopeful that this will end soon and that you can come back and visit your loved ones in person without any restrictions.  I know that this has been very difficult for you.  We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this together.


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