Update April 23, 2020

As of yesterday, there were 10 test results pending for residents. Today, we received confirmation that four of those residents have positive COVID results.  All four of the residents reside on Appel,.  We also received one negative test result for a resident on Baker. We have thirteen residents who have been tested but results are pending. One resident is on Rosemont the rest are on Appel. We received confirmation today that one additional staff person has tested positive.. There are six staff who have been tested but we have not yet received those results.
There are 31 residents and 21 staff who have tested positive and 11 residents and 20 staff who have tested negative.  There are currently six staff who are awaiting test results.The numbers posted by the Department of Health today show that the state now has 37,053 positive cases and 142,061 negative.  That's 1369 more positive cases than yesterday.  Lancaster County is reporting 1359 positive cases and 6267 negative results today.  That's an increase of 33 positives from yesterday.  The nursing home and personal care facilities affected by COVID remains the same at 22. The number of positive resident cases in the homes increased by 8 from 305 yesterday to 313 today. The number of employee reported positive cases in the homes went from 62 yesterday to 68 today.  

Our hearts are heavy as we watch our number of cases amongst residents and staff grow.  We have started working with a consulting group who will review our infection control processes including how we are using PPE.  We are enlisting this added precaution in hopes that a second set of eyes may offer some insight or guidance on anything we could potentially do differently.  They have also worked with other local nursing homes and understand the unique challenges we face.  Additionally, they offer emotional well-being support services for staff from a Behavioral Therapist Group. This serviced is available to staff who may be having some difficulty coping or who may just need to talk.  The reality of dealing with this new normal is taking its toll on many.  I had the opportunity to meet with some of the staff today and I let them know what you've told us about how much you appreciate them.  We are sharing your cards and notes to help uplift the staff to let them know that their hard work and commitment to the residents is greatly appreciated by all.   This is our calling and we are dedicated to serve the residents.  Some days are very dark but your support and kind words really go along way.  I wish we were close to the end of this marathon but the reality is, we don't know how long it will continue.   If there is anything we can do to help you, please feel free to reach out.  We will be continuing the weekly calls next week to provide you with updates on your loved ones.  Please contact Social Service if you would like to schedule a virtual visit with your loved one. I know that some of you are still taking advantage of it. I got to witness one resident doing a visit with his family today while I was on the units. I'm grateful that technology allows you to at least have that connection.  Take care, stay healthy!  



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