April 17, 2020

There have been two resident and two employee confirmed positive cases reported today.  The positive cases are primarily concentrated on Appel however we do have a few cases on Rosemont and Rehab units.  We want to thank you for continued prayers, support and kind words during this difficult time for all of us.  Please know that we are thinking of you too and want to make sure you are kept informed.
As I reported  yesterday, the Pennsylvania Department of Health is now posting information about COVID cases for nursing homes and personal care homes.  You can see the updates daily on the Department's website at:  https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Cases.aspx.  Simply copy and paste the address into your web browser to see daily updates.   Today's information shows that Lancaster County has 1030 confirmed positive cases and 5217 negative.  There are 18 nursing homes or personal care homes reporting confirmed resident and employee cases.  Of those 18 homes, there are 233 positive resident cases and 52 employee cases.  We currently have 10 resident and 11 employees who have tested positive.  Many of our employees are returning to work after being off in accordance with the guidelines established by the CDC.
We continue to monitor both residents and staff for early detection of symptoms and maintain vigilant efforts with infection control procedures/ proper use of personal protective equipment. Our leadership team conducts a conference call each morning to review processes, evaluate staffing and resident information, take stock of daily PPE supplies, and strategize to address any changes in a timely manner.  We are doing things a little differently every day to meet the demand of multiple changes.  Our Administrator, Medical Director, Director of Nursing, Infection Control Nurse and Corporate Director of Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement are conducting daily phone calls seven days a week to review individual cases, infection control, personal protective equipment and staffing to ensure that we are staying on top of any issues that need to be addressed.
We are also working closely with Manheim Twp. EMA and the Keystone Health Care Coalition.  They have been extremely helpful and supportive. I can't thank them enough!  Manheim Township has done a great job pulling our health care providers together for weekly calls.  This has been a great opportunity to establish partnerships and enhance our communication amongst the long term care and emergency service providers in our township. It is a comfort to know that we are not in this alone.  It is also an enormous support to work collaboratively as a health care community to address the multiple challenges presented by COVID-19.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your loved one.  We will continue to keep you updated as changes occur.  Stay safe and healthy!


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